The Wet Shave Blog
Wet Shaving With Occam's Razor
All right, so Occam's razor. If you're not already familiar with Occam's razor, we're going to take a look at everything inside...Read now -
How To Build A Shaving Lather Using A Bowl...
How to build a shaving lather using a bowl; today we're going to learn how to build a lather...Read now -
Anatomy of a straight razor...
Let's learn about all the different parts of a Straight Razor. All right, so we have the toe of the blade, the heel of the blade, the spine, the cutting edge...Read now -
Strops and how to use them...
Strops and how to use them... What's up, everybody? I'm Brad, and today we're talking strops and how to use them...Read now -
The Occam's Razor - Version 1.0
The Occam's Razor - Version 1.0 We are going to be going over Occam's Razor today. We're going to review with you all the benefits and features of this single edge safety razor.Read now -
Pick Your Poison: Soap or Cream?
The sink counters of men who enjoy traditional wet shaving are usually cluttered with bowls and tubs of various shaving soaps and shaving creams.Read now -
Safety Razor Aggressiveness
It is difficult to describe the way a razor feels when it glides across the skin, but both the feeling and performance are classified by safety razor aggressiveness.Read now -
How to date a vintage Straight Razor
As many things have evolved over the decades, so have the tools man has shaved with.Read now -
The Man Behind The Cut, Drew Hernandez
Read nowThe Man Behind The Cut by Vinny Roc Media Chris Rico Ramirez, barber/owner of barbersocialclub is the artist in the above video. Based in Houston, TX, he is @BSC_Houston on Twitter and @hou_barber on Instagram. Drew Hernandez was active...
The World Is Wet Shaving, And You Should Too
For the past few years there has been a non-debatable resurgence in the traditional shaving world, with advancements in products, and the easily accessible information about benefits, the demand grows every day.Read now