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The First Central Texas Wet Shavers Gathering!

The First Central Texas Wet Shavers Gathering!

We started off the weekend as soon as Lee Cantor's plane touched down in Austin on Friday. I couldn't say enough good things about this guy, and I am honored that he took the time to travel all the way from New York to visit with us. Plus, check out the luggage this guy drags around with him...

Lees Razors products

First thing Saturday morning, crazy wet shavers started showing up at my door to get their hands on the goodies. Here's our pre-lunch gathering around my kitchen table:

Gathering at Mike's

New shave gear makes a man very, very happy!

Brad's score

After Texas-style BBQ, we made the journey downtown, where Charles and Jean Roberts opened Enchante especially for us. Charles had a lot to share, and I presented a Hydrolast demonstration on how I build a wet mix using the Shavemaster brush. Charles also offered a presentation on advanced-brush techniques.

Lunch group

box at lunch

Mike Brush demo

Charles Brush demo

Everyone was given the opportunity to explore the great selection of fragrances, soaps, and shaving goods at Enchante. Many thanks to Charles and Jean for taking the time to host our group on the weekend and offer us some great presentations on shaving as well as a chance for some after-hours shopping.

Group photo

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