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Musgo Real Classic Aftershave

Musgo Real Classic Aftershave

Musgo Real Classic AftershaveMusgo Real Classic Aftershave is one of my current favorite aftershave splashes, especially during the summer months when I opt to use a splash instead of balm type aftershaves.  Many alcohol based aftershave splashes have a tendency to dry the skin.  The Musgo Real formulation leaves the skin feeling well soothed and has a small amount of glycerin that provides a very relieving and moisturizing effect.  The alcohol is noticeable however the stinging sensation is not unbearable and goes away quickly. 

The scent of Musgo Real is a classic blend of patchouli and vetiver that is very refreshing and has a high enough concentration to last on the skin for several hours.  While I find the scent very pleasing, I would not recommend this to those who are not fond of heavier scented products.

Musgo Real Classic Aftershave is priced very well at $22.00 retail.


Why do you use an aftershave?
How do you apply aftershave splash?
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