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  • The OneBlade Review
    March 2, 2016 Lucas Webster

    The OneBlade Review

    This Oneblade safety razor is the finest single edge safety razor I have ever used. I absolutely have loved shaving with this highly refined precision instrument. It will rival any of your go to safety razors. This shaver comes well thought out and ready for a lifetime of use backed by a warranty that makes it clear. This product is the concept and passion of Porter Stansberry who had a personal goal and commitment to excellence. That passion shows all the way through with OneBlade from the initial un-boxing to your first shave...
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  • Satin Tip The Purest Shaving Brush
    October 27, 2015 Lucas Webster

    Satin Tip The Purest Shaving Brush

    This synthetic shaving brush is top shelf. It is going to rival any of your favorite natural brushes without shedding, smells or hair breakdown. This is a synthetic shaving brush that is affordable, durable, splays excellent...
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  • iKon OSS Safety Razor
    October 30, 2012 Mike Sandoval

    iKon OSS Safety Razor

    When I saw the iKon OSS for the first time, two things came to mind: (1) I do not know how iKon names their products, but OSS sounds like a battleship, and (2) Damn, this razor looks a lot like the Feather All Stainless. This article takes a closer look at this razor from iKon to explore if it is similar to a battleship and different from its Japanese twin.

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  • Technology's Curse: The Pivot Head
    March 14, 2012 Mike Sandoval

    Technology's Curse: The Pivot Head

    By today’s modern standards, traditional shaving can appear complicated. Lather must be created with cream, brush, and bowl instead of the push of a button on an aerosol can. Similarly a traditional wetshaver has to master important variables, such as angle and pressure, which modern cartridge razors remove from the equation. Because they are widely available and most of us learned to shave with these convenient products, many men developed lazy habits that hinder their results with traditional products.  This article helps new wetshavers more easily transition from mass-market cartridges to the enjoyment of traditional shaving.

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  • iKon H20 Safety Razor
    November 1, 2011 Mike Sandoval

    iKon H20 Safety Razor

    Across all business segments, products have evolved over time as entrepreneurs have sought to improve upon existing designs. Skyscrapers are constructed taller, cars are engineered to go faster, and smart phones are thinner and more powerful with each release. In the shaving industry, iKon Razors is one obvious example of this concept. This brand merges and modifies existing designs to create new and innovative safety razors. The stainless steel iKon H20 Safety Razor is a stunning hybrid of styles and features.

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  • Wet Shaving While Traveling
    February 21, 2011 Mike Sandoval

    Wet Shaving While Traveling

    Just because you are away from the comforts of home does not mean that you have to go without an enjoyable shave. Despite the minor inconveniences of airport security or lack of space in your suitcase, there are many popular traditional shaving products that are either designed for travel or have sturdy and compact packaging that make them smart choices. This article offers some tips and suggestions on traveling with your favorite wet shaving gear.

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  • Safety Razor Aggressiveness
    January 21, 2011 Mike Sandoval

    Safety Razor Aggressiveness

    It is difficult to describe the way a razor feels when it glides across the skin, but both the feeling and performance are classified by safety razor aggressiveness. There are several factors that affect how aggressive a safety razor is and how it performs. The size of the blade gap, the amount of blade that is exposed, and the cutting angle dictated by the design of the safety razor affect the way it shaves. This article simplifies cutting head designs to quantify safety razor aggressiveness.

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