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Previously Sold Hart Artisan Gallery

Each Hart Steel razor is individually hand ground, this lends a bit of individuality to every razor. The Artisan razors offer the razor makers the opportunity to broaden and develop their artistic skills by experimenting with new materials and techniques. These razors are One-of-a-Kind and unique, these razors will not be reproduced nor are they going to be back in stock. Please do not sign up to be notified when one of the razors is back in stock, because it will not ever be in stock again.

We are so proud of the amazing work that the guys have done, that we would to use this gallery to showcase previous razors, although they will not be available for purchase.To be notified when there is a Hart Steel Artisanal razor that will soon be in stock, please email your name and email address to and ask to be added to the list. Please note that this does not guarantee purchase of a razor, and is intended as a preview for razors that are about to placed in stock on the website.

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