I'm 40+ and I got so tired of spending over $25 a month on disposable razors. I spent weeks window shopping companies and products. I'm trying to quit buying anything disposable and get back to buying the things I need once, and having a product that lasts my whole life.
I chose this Parker safety razor for several reasons.
1) It is solid brass and nickle/chrome plated. That means it will last forever as long as it is treated properly.
2) The open comb design. This was just my preference for my first safety razor. I am now ready to try the closed comb design too!
3) I think Parker is made in America. Not sure if they are, but I hope so. I believe in buying quality products first, and patriotic high quality products whenever possible.
4) The weight. This is one of the heavier razors available. It feels good to hold a solid metal, precision tool.
Then I shaved. I really don't have words yet. I didn't cut myself once, even though my hands were shaking from this whole ordeal.
This is the closest shave I have had, by far, hands down, without shaving a second time, against the grain.
I don't have any razor burn. I will be writing separate reviews for other Classic Shaving products, like the Smolder aftershave stuff!
If you are reading this, deciding if you want to switch to a real razor, the answer is yes. Yes you do. The only regret is you waited this long.