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  • Hone Basics: Natural vs. Synthetics
    March 16, 2011 Mike Sandoval

    Hone Basics: Natural vs. Synthetics

    There was a time when men did not rely on disposable razors and blades.  When a man bought a razor, once it became dull, it was the job of someone to resharpen it.  Most often than not the razor was taken to a barber, but sometimes the owners themselves would do the sharpening with a hone.  There are primarily two varieties of hones that can be purchased today: natural and synthetic hones. This article provides a brief introduction to the types and their advantages. 

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  • Types of Razor Strops
    January 24, 2011 Mike Sandoval

    Types of Razor Strops

    Many people assume that a razor strop is a simple accessory, but there are dozens of options available that can make a new straight shaver's head spin. There are strops made by major companies, such as the Illinois Strop Company and Straight Razor Designs, and then there are artisan strops by craftsmen, such as Tony Miller and Ambrose. The materials are diverse and there are many types of finishes of leather and canvas that are offered. Each strop has unique characteristics that give it a feel and life of its own. 

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  • iKon Bulldog Safety Razor
    December 27, 2010 Mike Sandoval

    iKon Bulldog Safety Razor

    Because of its luster and durability, the shaving industry has been using stainless steel for decades. Razor blades made the transition from carbon steel to stainless in 1965, and there are many quality straight razor designs in the material. Manufacturers of double-edge safety razors have also transitioned to stainless and have produced a few models that have taken the industry by storm. While most safety razors are metal with a finish overlay, this class of razor is made entirely of stainless steel, which does not flake, peel, wear down, or rust like other metals. More importantly, the new class of stainless steel safety razors is considered by many to be the best constructed shaving instruments available.  The quality of these razors makes them a pleasure to use and the iKon Bulldog Safety Razor is no exception.

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