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  • RazoRock Alum Ultimate Aftershave
    January 9, 2011 Mike Sandoval

    RazoRock Alum Ultimate Aftershave

    Potassium alum mineral salt, the potassium double sulfate of aluminum, is a unique mineral because it has antiseptic and astringent properties that are particularly useful for wet shavers.  When rubbed on wet skin, alum provides a mild stinging sensation similar to that of an alcohol-based aftershave splash and it helps to close pores and tighten the skin while also sealing any small nicks from shaving.  Prior to the invention of antibiotics, alum blocks were used regularly to prevent infections that might have occurred from nicks or cuts. While alum blocks are typically cut into square or rectangular blocks, a more innovative alum product has been designed for the traditional wet shaver, the RazoRock.

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  • D.R. Harris Arlington Shaving Soap
    January 5, 2011 Mike Sandoval

    D.R. Harris Arlington Shaving Soap

    Most shaving retailers agree that the best-selling D.R. Harris soap is the Arlington shaving soap.  The unique citrus fragrance is widely popular, and this soap remains one of the few hard soaps that contains tallow, which produces a rich and creamy lather. This article takes a closer look at this beloved shaving product.

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  • Avoid Brush Damage and Maximize Your Investment
    January 2, 2011 Mike Sandoval

    Avoid Brush Damage and Maximize Your Investment

    Recently I was offered a trade for a vintage Simpsons Chubby 3 Best Badger and I was excited about receiving the brush. It was originally purchased for around $325 about 10 years ago and was never part of a regular rotation. Because it is a Somerset shaving brush, it could still be valuable to collectors and could easily be priced over $200 on the used market.  I was very disappointed to receive the brush and discover that many bristles in the inner core of the loft were broken off.  When I made the dreaded phone call to the brush’s owner, he was very gracious. He said he had not given much thought to brush care and he did not know that the brush loft was not supposed to sink in after use. He is not alone; it is common to see online pictures of raggedy used shaving brushes. The goal of this article is to inspire wet shavers to use their brushes in ways that do not indent or invert the brush lofts.

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  • Rooney Heritage Stubby 2XL
    December 30, 2010 Mike Sandoval

    Rooney Heritage Stubby 2XL

    With around 20 shaving brushes in my collection, I don't often become excited about using or obtaining brushes anymore. This was, of course, until I happened to come across a stunning specimen of a shaving brush offered by Rooney.  The Heritage “Stubby” XL series has been released under a Limited Edition run with three different sizes: 1XL, 2XL, and 3XL. Both the 1XL and 2XL have found their way into my rotation, and the 3XL may follow soon. The 2XL is like no other brush I have owned and its performance is definitely second to none.

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  • December 29, 2010 Mike Sandoval

    Welcome to

    Thanks for visiting our site! Let us give you a quick tour. Shaving 101 is designed to be an easy-to-navigate online magazine that helps people learn the benefits and techniques of traditional shaving. The site is divided into four main categories:

    #1 Education
    Articles in this category are dedicated to information and advice on double-edge shaving, Method Shaving, straight-razor shaving, and skin care. In addition, there are numerous articles on using and caring for shaving brushes as well as information on using shaving products.

    #2 Reviews
    This category is divided by product type, so you can see all reviews by date as they are posted or jump straight to a topic, for example, shaving creams. Product reviews include descriptions and photographs of safety razors, straight razors, brushes, soaps, pre-shaves, aftershaves, and more.

    #3 Galleries
    When shopping for a shaving brush, it is helpful to see brushes next to each other so that the differences are more apparent. We started the brush gallery to present a consistent view of shaving brushes so that you can easily compare their sizes and shapes.

    #4 Q & A
    The Shaving Q & A category includes short answers to questions that readers have submitted to us. To find answers on certain topics, for example, safety razors, use our Title Filters to narrow down the questions. The most popular questions appear first in the list.


    How often is the site updated?

    We try to add articles and reviews to as often as possible. While not all articles or new photos are posted on the home page, you can easily see what is new by looking at the bottom of the page under “Latest Posts”. You can also see our latest posts by watching our Facebook and Twitter pages.

    Who writes for Shaving 101?

    Mike Sandoval founded in 2008 as a place where beginners to traditional shaving could find straight-forward answers. Mike felt that there was a lot of conflicting information and traditional shaving could be confusing for new wetshavers. He began writing articles and reviews to help beginners and veterans expand and care for their collections. Over the years others have become contributors and shared their knowledge and experiences as well. Learn more on the About Us page.

    What does “Shaving 101” mean?

    Using “101” after a name is a common phrase used in the United States to describe the basics of a topic or a beginner's guide. This is derived from college courses, which are numbered as a student promotes grade levels.  Entry-level classes are usually 101, while advanced classes may be 201, 301, 401, etc. For example, freshman classes include Chemistry 101 or Literature 101. Because shaving education is our primary goal for this site, the name Shaving 101 was chosen.

    How do I comment on an article?

    If you have a question or comment, please write us! Every article lists the author and you are welcome to write him for more information. In addition, “Like Us” on Facebook and “Follow Us” on Twitter and write comments there. We love to hear feedback about our articles. We appreciate all the positive comments and support that we have received over the years. Thanks for reading!

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  • iKon Bulldog Safety Razor
    December 27, 2010 Mike Sandoval

    iKon Bulldog Safety Razor

    Because of its luster and durability, the shaving industry has been using stainless steel for decades. Razor blades made the transition from carbon steel to stainless in 1965, and there are many quality straight razor designs in the material. Manufacturers of double-edge safety razors have also transitioned to stainless and have produced a few models that have taken the industry by storm. While most safety razors are metal with a finish overlay, this class of razor is made entirely of stainless steel, which does not flake, peel, wear down, or rust like other metals. More importantly, the new class of stainless steel safety razors is considered by many to be the best constructed shaving instruments available.  The quality of these razors makes them a pleasure to use and the iKon Bulldog Safety Razor is no exception.

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